Do you have what it takes to succeed in real estate? In my eBook, What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-License School, I listed the characteristics I think are very important to have in order to do well in real estate sales. And, at the end of this blog, grab a self-analysis questionnaire to see if you have those characteristics.
Managers: Use this in your interview process!
Although there are as many approaches to the real estate business as there are people, there are certain qualities that are common to successful real estate professionals:
- High personal initiative. Do what you know needs to be done even if no one else is doing it!
- Tenacity. Studies show most salespeople give up after the second ‘no’. Yet, most customers only say ‘yes’ after they’ve said ‘no’ 5 times! Never give up.
- Risk taker. Doing it before you have all the answers–taking risks–is a big part of starting your career successfully.
- Accountability to yourself. Plan your week and work your plan. No one else will do it for you in the real estate business.
- Reliability to others. The consumer rates “trustworthiness” as the most important attribute they need in a real estate agent. Keep your promises.
- Willingness to learn. In this warp-speed changing business, being a life-long learner is critical to success in a real estate career.
- Enthusiasm. Would you buy anything from anyone who wasn’t convinced himself that the product or service was important to you? And could convey his excitement and enthusiasm?
- Handling rejection. Absolute faith in your own convictions and your own self-worth helps you weather those thousands of ‘nos’ and keep going to get a ‘yes’.
- Creativity. Doing it like we’ve always done it just won’t work in this changing environment. Try it differently. Put you into the sales equation for great success.
What have you observed are the characteristics that successful real estate agents exhibit? What would you add? See how you stack up.
Click here to get my self-analysis: Attributes for Success, taken from What They Don’t Teach You in Pre-Licence School.
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In order to reach great heights as a real estate agent, the factors mentioned in this blog will be of great use. Understanding about the characteristics of a real estate agent who has tasted success will take you a long way in achieving your dreams!