Would-be agents: Do you have the attributes for real estate sales success?

Is it my impression, or is everybody and their brother deciding to try real estate sales? I can see why. In our area, an average sales commission is $20,000. It sounds easy then to make $100,000–and in your first year in real estate, right?

So, if that’s true, why do 1/2 of those who get into the business each year get out of the business within that first year? They may have

  1. Been told they would make mega-bucks with little effort
  2. Thought they could work 20 hours and rake in the bucks
  3. Heard that, since they were good talkers, they would be great salespeople

I’ve Seen the Successes–and the Failures

In my positions as a manager and regional director, I’ve interviewed thousands and hired hundreds of new agents. That’s why I wrote the book, Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School. In it, I answer the hundreds of questions would-be agents have asked me over the years.

More Important than the Q and A: Self-Analysis Tools to Set if You’re a ‘Fit’ For Real Estate Sales

Fortunately I’ve hired several people who have immediately become super-producers–all without being handed any business. I’ve observed the qualities, traits, and skills they’ve exhibited. I also was one of those over-achievers (I sold 50 homes my first year in the business–from knowing no one and having no training!).

Not in Any Other ‘Sell a Gazillion’ in Real Estate Book

In my Launching book, I’ve created several self-analysis tools that I’ve never seen in any other ‘how to sell real estate’ books. Why? Because the Launching book isn’t meant to tell you how to be a gazzilion-dollar producer. It’s instead written expressly for those thinking about real estate as a career.

Here’s One of those Self-analysis Tools: Attributes of a Successful Real Estate Agent

Yes, we all dream of making lots of money with minimal effort! But, there are a couple of caveats. One is to match what you love and your talents and skills to the job. Here is my self-analysis of attributes, so you can see how you match up with the high achiever agent talents and skills.

Grab the self-analysis here.
