Here’s what you didn’t know has changed. Yes, we’ve gone digital–in many respects.Yes, we’ve gained new skills. But, there’s one thing that has changed the way we’ll do our real estate business more than any other–and it has nothing to do with technology.
It’s How We Communicate with Our Clients and Potential Clients
You’ve read the dozens of ideas great agents have shared about how they stay in contact with their would-be and present clients during this unrepresented time. (see the end of this blog for my list).
Raising the bar. What you may not realize is that these agents’ enhanced communications have ‘raised the bar’ for how all agents must contact and re-contact their client bases. Why? Because these agents are showing how we should always communicate to our client base:
We care more about their lives and their well-being than their ability to buy something from us.
The Statistics Show Agents Are Not Very Caring (Don’t Get Mad)
OK. That’s a generalization. I hope you’re one of those agents who doesn’t ‘love ’em and leave ’em. Here’s what the statistics show:
Only one-third of agents who sell someone a home every bother to talk to the buyer again.
Shocking, isn’t it?
They don’t call, they don’t take a petunia. They do–nothing. Before that sale, though, we’ve practically lived them and their family with in our car, talked with them every day, anguished with over the move, spent 12 hours a day with them for weeks. Once we’ve got the check, we’re out of there. The buyer must think we just take the money and run.
Again, I said it’s probably not you. It’s only 2/3 of the agents! That’s enough, though, to give us a bad reputation.
What’s Changed: Communicate throughout the Whole Relationship, with the Focus on the Client’s Well-Being First
That’s what this crisis has taught us. That’s what great agents are doing, and it’s so inspiring. I believe this will forever change client expectations. I hope it changes how agents regard the business. And I hope it changes how we teach lead generation, selling, and client retention.
What do you think?
Which kind of treatment and relationship do you believe the client will value more? Which type of agent will be more successful?
Click here to get my list of communications agents are doing right now to assure and cement client relationships.
What are you doing?
Do You Train? Are You Challenged by Pivoting to Online Training?
Taking your course online isn’t as simple as turning on the camera and talking! Presenters need new techniques and tools to assure that online course works.
Join me, June 11, (Thursday), from 10-11 am PDT, when I’m presenting a webinar:
How to Take Your Course from Classroom to Online.
Get more information and register here.
This free webinar is created especially for those presenting to real estate pros. Please forward this invitation to all trainers.
Bonus: A 2-page checklist of how to organize and present your online course.