I just finished a business planning webinar for a large franchise. One of leadership’s concerns for their agents was that they didn’t know how to stand out. This is especially true if you’re new to the business. But no matter the length of time you have in the business, you have to have something to help you stand out–gain confidence–and be competent. Why: Because you have to face lots of new situations, rejection, and competition. So, how do you play on your strengths?
I’ll bet you’re coming into real estate from a former career–a career where you knew the answers–where you were confident. I came from a two-decade career as a musician (I actually started playing piano when I was four). Then, I went into real estate. I remember so clearly my first few months as a real estate agent. My favorite phrase was “I don’t know but I’ll find out”. In truth, I knew very little! Sometimes I was so humiliated and frustrated I almost quit.
So, how did I keep my spirits high? By remembering my ‘wins’ from my former ‘life’.
Keep a Journal of your ‘Wins’
In Up and Running in 30 Days, (and the online ‘steroid’ version, Up and Running in Real Estate), I advise new agents to keep a ‘motivation journal’, to remember their strengths and keep their spirits high when delving into this challenging–and exciting–new field. Remember, we were all new once! You will find more rejection in real estate sales than you thought possible. Yet, those who persevere create a career with almost unlimited potential. Remember, if you think you can do it, you CAN!
Take Those Strengths and Translate Them Into Real Estate Sales
Every new agent who became successful quickly that I know was able to identify their strengths from their past experiences– a former profession, volunteer work, etc. Then, they ‘translated’ those strengths to real estate sales.
An example: Joan was a former English teacher. She had a command of writing skills. So, she was able to translate that to marketing properties. She explained to her clients that she put those skills to work, and how it benefited the seller. Finally, she showed examples of her work. She instantly got credibility. This made her much more confident, too.
So, my question for you is, what’s a strength you have? How can you translate that to real estate sales? How can you show it?
P. S. I’ve provided lots of motivation and inspiration for you in Up and Running in 30 Days and Up and Running in Real Estate, too.
Are You Giving Yourself Every Chance to Succeed?
I’ve asked hundreds of agents with less than a year in the business what was different than they thought. One of their common answers is that this business is much more challenging than they had anticipated. So, how do you ‘stack the deck’ in your favor? By getting the right start.
Up and Running in Real Estate, my unique online training/coaching/accountability program for agents under 2 years in the business. will do just that. At the end of 8 weeks, you walk away confident in your abilities, you’ll know exactly how to make money, and you’ll have a proven business start-up plan that you can use your whole career to create the kind of business you want. Check it out!