Want a ‘full ride’ to get your career going in the right direction? I remember when I was a new agent. I had no training and no manager (well, he was there 2 days a week….). I just went out and tried to do whatever it was I was supposed to be doing. I made lots of mistakes and wasted lots of time. But, I learned!
One of the things I vowed as I became a seasoned agent and manager was that I would help new agents avoid the embarrassments, mistakes, and wrong turns I made at the beginning of my career. So, I wrote Up and Running in 30 Days, now in its 4th edition. But, just a book to guide newer agents doesn’t do enough, I don’t think. So, I’ve created an 8-week Up and Running in Real Estate program. It’s online, and it gives new agents a specific track to run on–along with all the documents, processes, and systems they need to run their business with confidence.
The ‘Full Ride’
I remember, as a new agent, wondering when (and if) that first sale would happen. I know money is in short supply in your first few months in the business. So, to launch my new online Up and Running in Real Estate program, I’m committing three scholarships for newer agents (under 2 years in the business).
Coaching for your Manager or Your Designated Coach
I know that doing an online program lacks the ‘human’ element. So, I’ve created a coaching component. I’ll coach your coach to coach you. Scholarship winners will name a coach and that coach will get entry to my Coaches’ Corner, with all the coaching materials he/she needs–and coaching from me, too.
Get a Scholarship for the new Up and Running in Real Estate Program
Enter now to win a scholarship to my new Up and Running in Real Estate program. This program is online, so you can start at any time (no downtime until training starts!). To find out details, check out my Facebook business page, ‘like’ it, and complete the scholarship application. I want to kick off the program with worthy agents who will benefit–and make a lot more money as a result!
To enter: Must be under 2 years in the business, full-time. Three lucky scholarship winners will be named June 1. Apply now. Scholarship entries must be in by May 31.
By the way, your coach will receive a full scholarship, too, as that agent’s coach, and get entry into the Coaches’ Corner. Click here to find out more and enter.