My guest blogger, Kelle Sparta, is a well-known trainer. She’s spent lots of thousands of hours and dollars sorting out the complexities and confusions of converting Internet leads. Here are her tips. Also, Kelle is doing a webinar for me on June 28 on converting leads. It’s free, and it’s packed full of great strategies. Register here. (See more below, too).
Did you know that almost everyone these days starts their search on the web? I’m sure you did, but have you actually stopped to think about what this means for you? Most agents haven’t – at least this is what I assume from looking at the websites that are out there. Most agents are relying on the IDX interface to convert their leads for them. The problem with this is that people sign up for the IDX on only one site and then they keep searching. If you don’t happen to be the first person they saw, then they didn’t sign up for your IDX and you have missed the lead because you’re not offering anything different than what the other agents have.
How Fast Are You?
The other thing I see agents failing at on a regular basis is following up on those internet leads. It is an instant gratification world and if you are getting back to your leads 24-48 hours after the lead came in, you’re missing the boat big time. People want an instant answer. And you can’t always be there to offer it, but there are systems you can put in place to help you.
The Secret to Conversions
If you hope to convert your website lurkers into leads, then you had best have a plan in place to get them there. You need both lead conversion tools that offer people something of value to them in exchange for their contact info, and autoresponders that respond immediately when they ask for more information. If you don’t have these two critical factor items, you can kiss your leads goodbye because someone else who has these tools will be converting them into clients – not you.
This Is Just the Beginning…
OK –so those are the technology pieces. And they are important. But more important is the content. The content is what actually gets them to bite. And then, it’s all about the follow-up and consistently getting your message out there to draw more people in. It’s a whole process.
Free Webinar
If you’d like to know more about what it takes to turn your website into a Lead Generation Machine, sign up for my free webinar. In it, I’ll take you through all of the steps it takes to make your website work for you. This content-rich webinar will teach you more about internet marketing in one hour than you could learn from taking many courses online – and even better yet – it’s specifically targeted to real estate business. You won’t find anything else like it! In it, we’ll cover:
Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generation Machine!
- Separating Yourself From the Competition – Why People Should Work With You
- Search Engine Optimization – Getting Leads To Your Site
- Converting Lurkers Into Leads – How to Make the Most of the Leads You Already Have
- Opening Up The Pipeline – Getting the Flow of Leads to Come in Consistently
When: June 28
Time: 9-10 AM PDT (that’s 12 noon EDT, 11 AM Central, and 10 AM Mountain)
Register here. Space is limited, so, ‘grab your seat’ now! Get the tips to turn many more Internet inquiries to leads to sales to loyal clients.