Are you connecting, or still just trying to force out leads?
Here are twelve great connections wonderful agents are making to show their clients they care for more than just commissions.
Here are the twelve types of connections that agents all over the United States are making.
- Create a brainstorm group of agents to share ideas on connections—from Sandee McDuffie, Las Vegas, NV.
- Interview area experts (doctors, attorneys, schoolteachers, health experts) in a Facebook live or Zoom call. Record these. Publish to Facebook, with an ad to boost. Joshua Service, Bellevue, Wa.
- Create a food drive for those in need.
- Support your favorite local restaurant by publicizing it on your Facebook page. Diane Lucas, Bellevue, Wa.
- Take a ‘care package’ of masks, gloves, hand sanitizer etc. to your clients
- Send a short video with a list of all types of resources to your client base. Sandee McDuffie, Las Vegas. NV.
- Send a gift that resonates with them and you: One agent sent peanuts with a card
- Drop off some pansies with a note
- Going through your database (or your phone) and just catching up with people you haven’t talked to for awhile. They appreciate your caring !
- Share a book you just read or love (positive) with a text, then a note with the book, and then another text
- Send something in the mail often: $50 grocery card with thank you note; Starbucks card
- Publish the latest statistics from your MLS ; share with clients. In some areas, that’s great news! Compare with last December. Chris Cross, Bellevue, Wa.
Your turn. What are you doing to keep your business relationships alive so that, when the market returns, your clients will remember you and think of you for their real estate needs.
By the way, it’s estimated that 80% of agents are just waiting it out. Who do you think will reap the benefits of their work now in 2-3 months? Those who waited, or those who worked hard now?

Do you teach?
Watch the video from my
Masterclass: How to Take Your Course from Classroom to Online
No more ‘live classroom’ teaching for awhile. And, it’s a challenge to translate that classroom to a great online event. Want some ideas?
Go to www.carlacross.com, and press the Webinars and More Button. You’ll see the post with the video and the handouts available for you to help you gain audience participation and increase learning.
How I can help you go online with confidence:
Time to respond extended to June 25. Don’t miss out on this opportunity refine your course AND get Carla’s coaching.
Please pass this information on to those in your company who train. It’s quite a challenge to make online presentations work, and that’s what we address here. thanks!