Do you know what your company expects from you? And, why should you care? Because you want to get the best from your company, and that means knowing what their expectations of you are.
I just led a coaching session with the faculty of a large real estate office. One of the faculty members said that one agent group refused to do some of the work in the course. I was astounded! They were all supposed to sign a covenant to do the work. So, who’s in charge here? And, since they wouldn’t do the work, how did they expect to
do well in real estate
Get the best from the instructors, who were donating their time and expertise?
So, before you launch into a soliloquy about how much your company owes you, think about the fact that it goes both ways.
Sobering thought: If your company doesn’t expect anything from you, how much effort will they put out to see you are successful?
The Ten Commandments
From working as an agent for 8 years, and managing agents for almost two decades, I’ve drawn some conclusions about the ‘turnabout’s fair play’ that I believe agents owe managers. I’ve also listed these in Up and Running in 30 Days, my start-up plan for new agents, to give agents a ‘heads up’. I believe if managers are willing to give 100% support through training and coaching each agent to success, agents need to give it their best, too. Here are agents’ ten commandments:
- Do the work. You know what it is!
- Don’t argue.
- Don’t make excuses for not doing your start-up plan.
- Don’t tell the manager you’ve been in the business two weeks and you have a better way.
- Do thank your manager frequently.
- Do tell other agents that you appreciate your manager’s efforts.
- Do tell other new agents you meet in other companies that you have a great manager.
- Don’t bug other people in the office to find another answer because you didn’t like your manager’s answer.
- Don’t change the Up and Running plan because you “don’t like it”. (You just don’t like lead generating, do you?)
10. Don’t miss a coaching appointment!
I’d love to hear what you think of my ‘ten commandments.’ Are there others you think are important? Before you hire on, get in writing exactly what your manager is going to do to assure your success, so you won’t have disappointments later. Getting agreement on what we both expect before deciding to work together is key to a happy partnership. The only surprises I want you to have after you start are good ones!
Is It Time for You to Get some Support for your Goals?
It’s just not true that we succeed alone! Think about those who have supported your efforts to be successful. There’s always someone, isn’t there? The same is true in real estate. Why not take a look at our one-on-one, highly customized coaching program, Career Achievement, for achieving agents. Schedule a complimentary consultation to find out our differences and how we can help propel your career forward.