Rate yourself: Do you have the attributes of a successful real estate salesperson?
Having interviewed thousands of would-be agents, I know the questions they ask. I also know the assumptions they bring into the interview. One of these assumptions is that they can just work whenever they want. If you’ve been in real estate even a few months, you know that’s not true—that is, if you want to make money! These wrong assumptions cause people to fail in the business. I want to help avoid that.
Avoid the Pain of Getting into the Wrong Job
In my new book, Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School, I described real estate sales as factually as possible. One of the things that sets this book apart (besides the facts), is that I created several self-analysis tools. The would-be agent can assess whether he will love real estate—or not–before he leaps into the business, spends his savings–and possibly fails. And, it will help the person who is unsure about entering the business gain confidence that she has the attributes to succeed.
Here’s one of the self-assessment questionnaires in the book:
Figure_1.2_Self-Analysis_Attributes_for_SuccessWhat are your conclusions? Do you believe doing this self-assessment will help you answer the question of whether you’re a fit for the real estate business?