What’s your marketing strategy? Do you have a marketing plan? Think it costs you too much money? For most of us, listings are difficult to get these days. And, if you get them, you may not get them at the right price. How can you enhance your credibility, so that, when you do your listing presentation, the client believes you? Here’s one way.
How would you like a marketing strategy that is no cost, yet high return? There is one, and, few real estate agents take advantage of it. The category is called “PR” (public relations), and it includes free advertising strategies such as writing articles and press releases (featured in a later blog). It also includes social media.
Are you using PR? In this blog, I’ll explain how to write articles to increase your reputation and expand your reach–and it’s a free marketing strategy.
The Process: Simple and Straightforward
Writing an article or a blog follows the same process composers use in writing a popular tune: It starts with the theme (A), continues with the middle, where you expand on the idea and example (B), and ends again with the theme. When I’m teaching my “Train the Trainer” course, we practice this simple structure when we create training programs.
The Eight Simple Steps to Get Started
Here are the simple steps I’ve used over the years to create articles and blogs that have gotten published hundreds of times in major real estate magazines and newsletters:
1. Decide on who your audience is, so you realize for whom you’re writing
2. Decide on the challenge (s) they have that you want to address
3. Jot down all the ideas you have about the challenges and solutions
4. Narrow the topic so you can zero in specifically on what you want to write about. The biggest mistake writers and teachers make is to choose too broad a topic for the time or word framework. For example, it’s difficult to write 500 words on how to create a team. You CAN write 500 words about why to create a team; or three strategic tips in creating a team.
5. Choose one to three ideas to discuss.
6. Arrange the topics in the order you want to discuss them
7. To expand on the ideas, present the idea clearly and then give an example. One commonality I’ve found among editors is that they want examples with the idea. Otherwise, the reader doesn’t really get the picture.
8. Close the article with the reiteration of your challenge and solution. Give your audience positive motivation to take action.
In my next blog, I’ll discuss how to build your distribution list easily–and how to distribute your articles. You’re on your way to an awesome free recruiting tool!
Social media: Usually today, articles are published electronically. When your article is published, put it on your Facebook business page and LinkedIn. Invite people to share the article. Instant PR!
Is this a quick fix? No. It’s a measured, consistent, tenacious work in progress to create the credibility you need in this market to gain loyal clients. Are you in this for the long haul?
Dozens of No/Low Cost Ideas to Market YOU
Why let others beat you in the competitive game of real estate? Effective marketing, not only of your listings, but of YOU is key today to help the client know why he/she should choose you. Get dozens of ideas to increase your credibility and success rate with buyers and sellers here.