New agents’ mistakes: Not doing these 5 things NOW to make money fast.
Here are five ways to look professional from the first day you’re in real estate–and they’re all FREE (except for the professional picture).
I just finished my new eBook, Launching Right in Real Estate: What They Won’t Teach You in Pre-License School, and I surveyed new agents. Here are some of the things I found they did right–and some of the things they just hadn’t gotten around to. Even though these are really simple to do, they make a huge impact on your business. (and if you don’t do them, they also have an impact on your business….) So, put them at the top of your list and do them now.
1. Use a professional email address–the one your company offers you or your website address. Which sounds more professional: DaddyDave@Hotmail.com or DavidSmith@abcrealty.com? Remember, it takes 6 times of meeting you before someone remembers your name. You want to be associated with your company or your own website with your email address. (For instance, my email is carla@carlacross.com). It’s free from your company. You get more space. (Don’t you love it when you try to email someone and the message says the email is full…..real professional, huh)?
2. Create a professional voice mail message, one that mentions your company name. That personal, casual voice mail you love just doesn’t cut it. (‘Hi, this is daddyO. Leave me a message and I may catch you later….”that sure inspires me to use DaddyO as a real estate professional, yes?) Even worse, a negative message is sent when an agent uses a canned voice mail message–or none at all. Would you work with someone like that? See voice mail tips at https://upandrunningin30days.com/old/free-resources/.
And–don’t let that voice mail box fill up. That’s just yelling “I’m not paying attention to my business and you aren’t important….”
3. Create your biography on all sites right away,. (this includes Google Business, Zillow, your company website, LinkedIn, Realtor.com, your professional Facebook page, etc.) You want to strive for a consistent image through all sites. If you want to feel ill, look at some of the bio sites (including your company website), and see how many agents just don’t bother to tell people who they are, what they do, and how they can assist clients. See information on creating your biography here.
4. Have a professional head shot taken and get your picture on those bio sites NOW. We identify and remember faces much better than names. Take advantage of that! Recently, I tried to find an agent on her company website. I thought I knew her first name, but I didn’t know the spelling. So, I thought I’d just scroll through until I found her picture (I have met her and she’s very attractive). Ha! She didn’t have her picture on the site, even though she is a very good agent and has been in the business several years. We remember faces way before we remember names. Take advantage of it! Be sure, too, that you use a professional, conservative portrait (no low necklines for women; avoid too trendy clothes unless you want to attract only those who like those trends.)
5. Create a professional brand from day one, so your social media and biography remain consistent across all platforms. Check out your competition. What is their branding? Is it consistent? Haphazard? No branding at all?
The Test: If You Didn’t Know You, Who Would You Think You Were?
Potential clients are meeting agents all the time. And, a majority look online before choosing and agent. Why should you bother with all this branding? Because most agents don’t bother. You want to stand out from the rest. To launch your business fast, you are going to lead generate your heart out. Make it count. Help people remember who you are.
You will gain and keep more business with these 5 easy tips–I promise!!
Managers: Use these tips for your agents in your onboarding process. Getting them started right is a lot of the battle for success.