man explaining to womanYour listing presentation is not just a presentation anymore. No, it’s not even a listing presentation. It’s really your marketing plan for that client. It is

  1. 1.      A customized conversation with the client
    2.      A statistic-backed educational event
    3.      Focused on your written marketing plan for that client

The Customized Conversation

Instead of droning through that company listing presentation, stop now and think about what the client told you during your interview process. You DID interview them using your written questionnaire, didn’t you? After all, you should be interviewing each potential client to see if they are a prospect for you.

Turning your Presentation into a Statistic-Backed Educational Event

The market has changed dramatically since the client sold his last home. So, you need to educate. And, you need to use other ‘accepted experts’—not your own pontificating (Such as, “If you don’t list it at the right price, it won’t sell”.) Each of your points needs to have a ‘why’, and that ‘why’ needs to be supported by evidence. Where will you get that evidence? Your MLS, Realtors, Title Companies, newspapers, survey companies, etc. An explanation to back up your claims (price, condition, etc.)

Here are some resources, excerpted from my business start-up program for newer agents, Up and Running in Real Estate:

Top Producer See Market Snapshots

Toolkit CMA

Realtor Property Resource (RPR)

Altos Research


In my new resource, Your Complete Power Listing System, I used the statistics from the latest National Association of Realtors’ Survey: Profile of Buyers and Sellers to prove the points in the system.

Why You Need Evidence

The consumer trust in all types of salespeople continues to go down. In fact, a recent study by the California Association of Realtors showed clients rated their buyers’ agents a 4 out of 100 in customer satisfaction! Start gathering your evidence now and find methods to weave it into your conversation.

Focus on Your Marketing Plan in Writing

The client doesn’t trust us because we’ve used the awesome sales strategy of ‘just trust me’.  And, too often, we don’t come through on our verbal promises. Even though the rest of the marketing world has always put their marketing plans in writing—we keep resisting. Why? Maybe we don’t want the client to know what we’re going to do, or what we’re not going to do!

You need to put exactly what you’ll do and when you’ll do it in writing. And, have a method to complete that circle. Let the client know when you’ve accomplished each step. That way, you’ll continue building trust.

Armed with

  •  A customized conversation with the client
  • A statistic-backed educational event
  • Focused on your written marketing plan for that client

You’re on your way to the new world of a real listing system.

What percent of agents do you think share written marketing plans? Why don’t all agents do this?

3 D power listing coverGet the Power Listing System that Gets You Results

Your Complete Power Listing System is completely new. Included: a complete tutorial (95 pages), plus 25 documents to use, ready to customize. You’ll also receive the 2 PowerPoint presentations (total of 90 slides!) and the Topic Pages, to use to organize a hard copy presentation. All this for the introductory price of $99.95. And, it’s immediately downloadable (great for international clients!) Click here to find out more.

Great agents have created systems, and here is your complete sellers’ system, from the first time you talk with them on the phone, to after that listing sells. You’ll impress even the toughest sellers as professional, organized, and knowledgeable.

Much More than Just a Presentation

Yes, this resource includes a 55-slide PowerPoint presentation, with dozens of pieces of evidence to price right, many from the newest Realtor statistics. (And, you’ll get coaching in how to present each point). But, this resource is much more than just a presentation. It is also a complete tutorial on how to list right-priced properties to build a fantastic reputation. This system was built by master trainer Carla Cross, drawing on her years as a top agent—and her work with top agents nationally.

How to Establish Trust and Credibility

Listing properties that sell isn’t just skill. It’s really about creating unassailable credibility. Carla shows you how to go way past words and illustrate and substantiate what you know to be true with visuals—powerful, sophisticated visuals. The result: You’ll educate, question, and probe like a seasoned ‘pro’ with the toughest sellers!

Resource Features

PowerPoint Presentation

Complete 55-slide PowerPoint presentation, all ready for you to customize.  This presentation is not from a company point of view. It spotlights YOU, because sellers want to choose you first, not the company. This system spotlights your value proposition, increases your credibility, and impresses sellers with your professionalism.

Hard Copy Presentation

You may be one of those people who prefers a hard copy presentation. It’s here for you, too. 28 topic pages pages, all organized in the order you’ll want to present. This tool includes 25 forms and processes you’ll show sellers to prove you’re dedicated, organized, and systematic (they really, really want these traits in a real estate agent!)
Click here to see more features and to order.
