Is your business plan going to get you to the finish line? It is amazing to me the agents that either
1. Don’t have a plan at all
2. Have an unproven plan
Without a good plan, how do you know what to do, when to do it, how to do it–and how much of it to do? Don’t leave your fate in happenstance hands!
Evaluate Your Plan Now
Why not rate your plan now to see which path you are on? Simply add up the number of hours you spent last week in the activities above. Now, add up the sales producing activities (lead generation, showings, listing presentations, sales, and listings gained). Which of the categories has the larger time block? What does that tell you about the job description you have created? Is it a job description that leads to sales?
Attributes of an Effective Business Start-up System
So, then, what is an effective business start-up plan? And, what else do you need? An effective business start-up plan has these attributes:
1. An organized activity schedule that has certain activities prioritized first, so you can manage your time effectively—throughout your career
2. A schedule that has certain activities scheduled secondarily—and why—so you don’t teach yourself to be a failed agent
3. A road-map for a continuing plan, so you can continue growing your business to the next level. (These are all attributes of Up and Running in 30 Days, the new agent’s business start-up plan. See New Agents’ Professional Systems for more information).
Plan must be Integrated with training and coaching. But, that’s not all you need. You need integrated programs with a skilled coaching professional (it can be your manager, or an outside coach), to help you implement successfully. You need a cohesive system of development.
How is your plan working for you? Do you need a better road map to success?
Up and Running in Real State Starts You Right to an Exceptional Career
If you’ve been in the business less than 2 years and you’re not getting the success you deserve, you need to give yourself the gift of this program. All the training, coaching, and supporting documents are online, so you can go at your own speed and go back as many times as you want.
How this program is different: It is foundationed with a business start-up plan, so you learn how to self-manage a successful business, not just do activities. And, there’s nothing else to buy–no extra cards that stay in your trunk! (And, there’s a coaching component for your manager so support you every step of the way!).
Check it out and see how you can reach your potential–and beyond!