Is the listing presentation DOA? Or going down for the third time? I’ve been reading about the death of listing presentations. Some of it makes sense. Some of it doesn’t. Here’s a sure way to get a speaking engagement: Create a topic that states everything we’re doing is wrong, and here’s how to do it right……..the problem with that is that it’s an over-simplification of the process and the challenges.
For example: I just read where a speaker advised agents to throw out their listing presentations. Instead, just show the client 3 marketing strategies with technology you’re going to do. Sure, that works, if
1. You already have the trust and credibility with the client, and don’t have to prove your marketing plan or your pricing strategy is right (how many times does that happen?)
2. You don’t have to educate the client about market updates
3. You don’t have to ask the client any questions—you already know everything about the client
4. The client is interested in marketing with technology and will gladly list with you at the right price when you show them 3 marketing strategies anyone can do with technology (what’s different about you then?)
You see the problems with that advice, right?
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
When the seminar gurus tell agents these simplistic solutions, they are tempting. After all, who really wants to create and go through a real listing process? Wouldn’t we all like to just bring an iPad and push a few buttons? But, one solution certainly doesn’t fit all your clients.
How to Find the Right Solution for that Client
All this advice about what not to do is useless if we don’t know what the client wants. So, here’s the most important advice you can get:
Do the first part of the listing process!
What’s that? The questioning part. Find out everything you can about the client. You do use a written questionnaire, don’t you? Unfortunately, my informal surveys tell me only about 20% of agents use a questionnaire. But, if you don’t, you’re going to jam your solution down the throats of the client—and they may not like it.
Ask a lot of questions. Listen. Probe. Find out what the client really wants and needs. Find out their barriers to moving ahead. Let them talk 75% of the time and you talk 25% of the time.
Your questions should:
1. Start with the easy stuff
2. Find out the ‘why’—what will be the function of what they want?
3. Tap into their emotions
4. Uncover any hidden barriers and unspoken objections
Finally, your questions should show you care about them enough to find out what is really going on. That’s how you create rapport and start establishing trust. You’re not going to just jam your plan down their throats—or show them some dazzling technology—whether it works or not and whether they need it!
My question: What does your process look like: Do you have a thorough, interesting, interactive, and effective questioning process?
Polish your Listing System and Make More $$$$
This all-new resource is immediately downloadable (follow instructions at the bottom of your sales receipt). You’ll get the complete tutorial (95 pages), plus 25 documents to use, ready to customize. You’ll also receive the 2 PowerPoint presentations (total of 90 slides!) and the Topic Pages, to use to organize a hard copy presentation.
Great agents have created systems, and here is your complete sellers’ system, from the first time you talk with them on the phone, to after that listing sells. You’ll impress even the toughest sellers as professional, organized, and knowledgeable.
Much More than Just a Presentation
Yes, this resource includes a 55-slide PowerPoint presentation, with dozens of pieces of evidence to price right, many from the newest Realtor statistics. (And, you’ll get coaching in how to present each point). But, this resource is much more than just a presentation. It is also a complete tutorial on how to list right-priced properties to build a fantastic reputation. This system was built by master trainer Carla Cross, drawing on her years as a top agent—and her work with top agents nationally.
How to Establish Trust and Credibility
Listing properties that sell isn’t just skill. It’s really about creating unassailable credibility. Carla shows you how to go way past words and illustrate and substantiate what you know to be true with visuals—powerful, sophisticated visuals. The result: You’ll educate, question, and probe like a seasoned ‘pro’ with the toughest sellers!
Click here for more information and to order. $99.95. Download immediately!