What’s your advice to new agents? I’m working on the 5th (!) edition of Up and Running in 30 Days, the new agent’s start-up plan, and I’m updating technologies, trends,and statistics. In addition, I want to include advice to new agents from successful agents who’ve been in the business 1-3 years. Why? Because this advice will be pertinent, up to date, and I think new agents will listen to someone who’s been there–and succeeded.
I Need Your Help
Are you, or do you know, an agent in the business 1-3 years, who did at least 15 transactions their first year (not given to them as a team member)? If so, that agent could be featured in my new edition, due out in January 2017. I will be featuring 5-7 quotes in various places of my book, and it would be great PR for you. In addition, that agent will receive a copy of the 5th edition, of course.
Here are the questions I’m asking:
- What are 1-3 things you did as a new agent to successfully launch your career?
- What do you wish you had done differently?
- What advice would you give to new agents?
- What technology is absolutely critical for the new agents to incorporate? Why?
Other comments:
Thanks so much. Please include your name as you want it used, your company name, your email and phone (for contact information so you can get referrals).
Number of transactions completed your first year in the business:
Please return this to me by 4.30 so I can include it! Thanks again. Let me know how/if I can help you! You’re doing a great service to those going into the business!
Getting Back to Me
You can write answers as comments. Or, here’s the link to the questionnaire. Answer the questions and email your answers to me at carla@carlacross.com.
Here’s the link again to the questionnaire. Your advice will help the industry and certainly help determined new agents!