Are you thinking about giving up? Here’s how to keep on keepin’ on!
or, how to motivate yourself when it’s easier to give up!
Did you Think You Would Get so many ‘Nos?
I come from a closely related field to real estate——music…..In fact, as a college music teacher, I seldom experienced rejection. (However, I knew what rejection was, because I was a performing musician for many years, and I actively prospected for music jobs for years). Even with the ‘sales’ background, I was shocked and stunned when I went into real estate, with the amount of rejection and the way people treated me.
From Respected to Suspected
When I went into real estate sales, I suddenly went from ‘respected college music teacher’ to ‘suspect salesperson’! I couldn’t figure out what changed. I was still the same ‘me’. So, it took me months to gather my self-esteem back, figure out how I was a value to clients, and keep on keepin’ on. You’ll have to figure it out, too, to keep your motivation high.
Tip: Decide how you will introduce yourself. When you’re in a grocery store, or at a party? How do you tell people what you do? Instead of saying, “I sell real estate”, say, “I an a professional salesperson with ABC Realty.” Makes a difference!
In my business start-up plan for new agents online, Up and Running in Real Estate, I offer lots of hope, inspiration, and motivation. Why? Because I know that new agents experience a tremendous amount of rejection–much more than we ever expect. It’s so easy to give up, and so many newer agents do give up. In fact, I believe that
Tips on Elevating your Self-Esteem
Maxwell Maltz, the author of the best-seller Psycho-Cybernetics, says that we won’t tackle something new, difficult, or risky, without a raise in our self-esteem (I’m wildly paraphrasing, of course). I know that’s true from all the new things I’ve done in life. We must feel good about ourselves to take a risk. So, here are 3 tips on how to raise your self-esteem:
1. Keep a journal of ‘wins’. Read the journal when you have something tough to do, have experienced rejection, are ready to give up.
2. Gather testimonials from people who think you’re wonderful. Read them regularly!
3. Buy at least 3 books of inspirational quotes and read them daily. Or, listen to podcasts or uTube videos. Keep finding avenues to motivate yourself! They’re everywhere!
In Up and Running, I also show you how to create a professional portfolio, your ‘book of greatness’.
Adopt the Nike Motto
Everyone knows the Nike motto: Just do it.
As Jonathan Winters, the great comedian said, “I didn’t have success, so I had to start without it.” Just start, and the mere experience of starting will provide confidence. The actions will provide competence and more confidence . You’re on your way!
Why not YOU?
Get the Motivation, Inspiration AND Guidance You Need to Succeed
It’s difficult to enter a new field and succeed as quickly as you might expect. That’s when the confidence and motivation falters. Get the specific business start-up plan, along with the motivation and inspiration you need to succeed. Check out Up and Running in Real Estate.