Are you thinking of going into management? Here’s how to get ready to train.
To help you: At the end of this blog, grab my analytical tool to see how effective your office training program actually is–and recommendations on how to improve it.
One of the great actions effective managers do is to create and implement a training program that actually gets results. I know you want to help others attain their goals, and training is one of the best ways you can do this–if you’re a good trainer, have great programs, and focus on measurable results.
This month, I’m featuring blogs regarding going into management. Why? I’ve been interviewing for that next great leader. Unfortunately, I’ve found few candidates have prepared at all for management. (Read my earlier blogs for preparation needed).
Grab your training calendar from your office (you do have a training calendar, don’t you?). Do you believe that training is getting the biggest ‘bang’ for your training buck (effort expended, talent needed, results expected)?
Maybe you’re taking part in the training program. Are you frustrated because your training isn’t getting results? Or, people just aren’t showing up? Or, worse yet, falling asleep in that factoid-heavy class?
If you have access to your office’s profit and loss statements: Maybe you have a specific problem you’ve noticed when you read your latest profit and loss statement. For instance: Perhaps your agents are giving too many commission concessions.
Training can Solve Some Challenges–and Not Others
When you go into management, you’ll see various challenges that training can solve (and some challenges training can’t solve!). Decide which challenges you can solve by providing training (like increasing listings sold) and which challenges can’t be corrected by more training (ethical issues are hard to re-train to, since people’s ethics are pretty hard-wired into them in their early years!).
Pretend now you’re in management. If you’re experiencing any of these challenges, you’ll love the tool here. I’m providing an insightful analytical tool to discover what’s right–and wrong–with your training.
Three main reasons training isn’t working:
1. It isn’t tied to the problems you want to solve in your office (agents not productive enough, commissions too low, etc.)
2. It doesn’t teach your agents to perform better–just gives information
3. It isn’t exciting enough–teacher just drones on and on…..
As I work with owners, managers and trainers internationally, I see these same three problems crop up over and over.
How to Figure Out What’s Wrong with that training Program
Grab it here. Use it in your office. Or, if you have the guts, use it with your manager and then create a plan to create better training–with goals for specific, measurable results.Click here to get your analytical tool — along with tips to correct your training to make it pay off.
Managers: Do you have someone you know would be a great manager? Start working with that person now. Get them into training. Have them take a great Instructor Development Course, team train, and, finally, start training on your program.
Affiliates: Share this with the managers/trainers in the offices you call on. Use these tips, too, to streamline the training you provide.
The Complete Training Guide for Real Estate–Gain Skills and Techniques
Here’s the comprehensive training tool that will help you create great training programs, become a confident, effective trainer, and help many more people succeed in real estate! Check it out here.