Are You Still Selling with These Two Ineffective Strategies? Do you need to put new strategies in your toolkit?
Florida Realtor just interviewed me for an article on the sales strategies that agents are still using–but that don’t work. I thought that was such a great topic that I want to share them with you here. So, these blogs will each explore 2 habits. This is great foragehts managers to think about, because these habits and strategies can wreck your results!
My first two strategies were no database or contact management and using a ‘love ’em and leave ’em mentality. Now, here are those next two ‘no-no’s.
- Not qualifying your buyer or seller
You’d think that agents would learn and use qualifying methods because they’re always challenged by ‘time management’. But, no. For some reason, many agents still believe that any client is a good client. So, they waste hundreds of hours either hauling non-buyers around–or listing properties that won’t sell. Even in this hot market! I know, this market is generally very forgiving. But, it always won’t be that way!
Agents: How are you qualifying buyers and sellers? Do you role play your qualifying procedures? Do you identify knockout factors and establish standards for working with buyers and sellers? (If you want great ‘courses’ and presentations for these things, check out Your Complete Buyer’s Agent Toolkit and Your Complete Power Listing System. They’re resources with all the background and documents agents need to do great qualifying interviews. And, they’ll provide you comprehensive courses in those subjects, too).
2. Not using a visual presentation for buyers and sellers
This goes with #1. I separated them, though, because both need to happen so the agents fully informs the client and finds out if the client is ‘for real’.
And, most people are visual learners. Finally, agents (and generally salespeople) are not deemed the most trustworthy people on the planet (just perception, not truth!). Usually visual substantiation and 3rd party endorsements and statistics add immeasuable credibility.Agents: Do you work to create visual presentations with real substantiation for their claims (like, ‘our listings sell faster’). Do you create personalized presentations to spotlight that agent, or do you rely on general company overviews (won’t work anymore!).
Resources: If you want great ‘courses’ and presentations for these things, check out Your Complete Buyer’s Agent Toolkit and Your Complete Power Listing System. They’re resources with all the background and documents and visual presentations agents need to do great qualifying interviews. And, they’ll provide you comprehensive courses in those subjects, too).
What do you think are habits and strategies that agents are still using that just won’t propel them forward in today’s competitive environment?