Are you being held accountable? Did you know that was even important?
I’ve just published the 5th edition of Up and Running in 30 Days. In it, I’ve included lots of up-to-the-minute updates. You can read some of them, in these blogs.
Click here to see the updates in my fifth edition of Up and Running in 30 Days.
Below is an excerpt from the newest edition of the book. I’ve included the important principle of accountability, to help you see the importance of accountability–and how to get it.
Why the Best Business Plans Don’t Work
You’ve heard it before. Business people make fancy, multi-page, even excellent business plans, and then fail. Why? Because making the plan doesn’t ensure success. Doing the plan does. (You wouldn’t expect that if you studied the life of Mozart you could automatically play a Mozart sonata, would you?)
*Big Idea: No success is realized without action.
If action brings about success, then why don’t people get into action?
Because it’s human nature not to! So what is the missing ingredient you need, besides a great start-up plan and action-oriented training so you have the skills to implement the plan? You need someone to be accountable to. Study after study shows that we attain our goals when we are accountable, regularly, short-term, to someone. That’s because we human beings tend to work on time frames and schedules. (Do you really get your taxes done by April 15 because you love doing them?) Those studies prove we work best on deadlines. We work best when we have a heavy workload. We work best when we have high expectations of ourselves, and we have someone—our coach—who shares those high expectations. (I know all this from being a pianist from age four, and having the privilege of being taught by exceptional piano coaches.)
* Big Idea: People succeed not because they have a plan. They succeed because they get into action and are accountable to the plan.
Keeping the priorities straight without a coach is very difficult to do.
I know what you’re going to tell me. You’re goal-oriented. You’re a self-starter. You don’t need a coach. That’s what most new agents say, and over 50 percent of them fail their first year in the business! Unless you have already attained high performance in music, sports, and the like, how would you realize that you can’t achieve those high levels of performance without a coach?
* Big Idea: The habits you form your first month in the business greatly influence your career success—forever.
Most agents have never been in a field that requires such a high degree of self-direction and the mastery of many skills to succeed. So they don’t know how easy it will be to get priorities all backwards! They also don’t realize how difficult it is to change a bad habit. If you want to be a great pianist, you’d find a great teacher, wouldn’t you? So, look at starting your real estate career just like you would look at becoming a great pianist or golfer. You need someone to be accountable to. You need a trained, committed coach, so you have deadlines, expectations, someone to help you keep those priorities straight, and someone cheer leading and believing in you.
* Big Idea: No one succeeds alone.
Owners, managers, coaches and trainers: How have you built in accountability for your programs? Do you teach a class and hope the agents take action, or do you follow up with an accountability session to check results?
Is Your Business Start-Up Plan Providing You Accountabilty–Built In?
Up and Running in 30 Days has lots of up-to-the-minute updates. Plus, a proven, prioritized business start-up plan with inspiration, motivation, accountability, and action items built in. Why not get great results now?