The actions you take are how you define yourself. And, how you define yourself determines your income.
Watch this short video on the topic.
The ‘on accident’ agent: Waits for something good to happen, then works diligently with that client–whether or not that client is a good one.
The ‘on accident’ agent doesn’t spend any time finding good clients. They spend too much time spinning their wheels with clients who just give them grief.
The ‘on accident’ agent wants the ‘magic bullet’ to make those clients do what the agent wants.
The ‘on purpose’ agent works
- From a business plan, with a detailed, proven lead generating plan included
- Measures the results at least monthly, to the plan
- Works with a coach
The ‘on purpose’ agent knows that lead generation in high numbers assures success. With lots of leads, the ‘on purpose’ agent can choose the best clients and enjoy more closings–and more referrals from clients who love them.
What’s your approach to real estate sales? Accidental or purposeful?
How can you go from ‘accidental’ to purposeful? Gain a proven business plan. If you’re newer, start with Up and Running in 30 Days, the only internationally published start-up business plan for agents new to the business (great to re-vitalize your career, too).
If you’re seasoned but stuck: Gain a great coach–one who will tell you the truth, whether you want to hear it or not.
Why spend more time as an ‘on accident’ agent when you could step up to a career as a purposeful professional?